The largest and the most beautiful mosque is Jemeirah Mosque. The Mosque is open to non-muslims for tours at 10.00am on most days other than Fridays to give insights into Islam. It is one of the few mosques in the UAE that is open to Non -Muslims.

 Visiting Time ;

Jumeirah Mosque Tours is conduct on every Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 10am, children must be 5yrs+ in the morning for the tourists and residents, they gather outside the ornate Jumeirah Mosque for a conducted tour of the Mosque and a better understanding of Islam. Fee is 10Dhs per person. Organized by the Sheikh Mohammed Centre for Cultural Understanding, a non-profit organization, the purpose of the tour and the Centre itself, is to bring down the barriers between different cultural groups residing in the UAE. 


Brief History ;

Before a long time Arabs were live in the Jumeirah areas where fishermen, pearl divers and traders lived. But after1960 Jumeirah was the principal area for western expatriate residences of rich persons, but the huge expansion of the emirate since year 1995 has seen a growth in housing developments across Dubai.

Jumeirah is generally agreed to be one of the most exclusive parts of Dubai and this has led to the use of the Jumeirah name as a brand which signifies exclusivity e.g. the "Jumeirah Beach Hotel" and the "Jumeirah Beach Club etc. The ruling family of Dubai has called their up market hotel chain "Jumeirah" was formerly known as "Jumeirah International". 







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